Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How to get a good idea for a project

Good ideas for projects come from activities  students  are interested in.

Try the ideas below:

First: Jot down all the things you choose to do in your leisure time. Is there a problem with any of them, for instance listening to music uninterrupted by other noises; carrying gear on your bike; refilling the dog’s water bowl?

What activities do you do?

Are there any problems related to any of them?

Second: Is there a question you’ve wondered about, such as the health of your local stream, bush or air; how good is thermal underwear; what plants do sheep prefer; how quickly can people learn words from another language; how much water can soil hold?

What have you ever wondered about?

Third: Can you see an opportunity to develop a product? It might for instance be a device or system to clarify cowshed effluent, game to help children learn basic maths, or a better way to store CDs, a kit for making kites out of supermarket shopping bags or a chimney filter to reduce smoke emissions
What’s your product idea?

Fourth: Is there a need you think should be addressed?

It could be something like preventing cats getting at birds nests; encouraging people to save water; making a dangerous corner in a school corridor or on a cycle track safer; dealing with smelly socks; or protecting colour photos on display…

What is a need you have seen or have thought of?

Fifth: Does someone you know have a problem you could help with? It might be how to get rid of a weed in a reserve area; a way to keep a baby occupied while a parent is busy; or a way to carry a hockey stick on a bike…

What is a problem you have seen that you can help with?

Sixth: Is there a local environmental issue? It may be that an area of the school needs redesigning, or that the local stream is polluted…

Do you have a local environmental issue?

Seventh: Is there something you have done at school you would like to follow up and find out more about, or do differently?

What would you like to follow up?